2014 plenty of Google updates comes like: Google Panda, Penguin, and more.. And so a lot of blog, websites reduce their Google Search ranking. But we still manage to obtain our websites in the first page of Google for a number of keywords. What is Search Engine Optimization, the simple answer is tricking the Search Engine to redirect the user to your Website.

The Keys to get on the first page of Google

Keyword Research
Using this Google Keyword Planner (Keyword tool) Link you can freely analyze the Keyword mostly used in Google Search engine.
Tweak your Content to Targeted Keyword Combinations
Find the Query Combinations that are used in search engine mostly by the Users by using the Same Google Keyword Tool.
Build a Quality Back link to your Content
That will make your page always in front page of all Search Engines.
So, here are a few more tips you can use to keep your site looking natural in Google’s eyes:

  • Don’t link hoard.
  • Link out to others when it makes sense
  • Have a Privacy Policy and Terms page
  • Have a thorough About Us page
  • Have active Social Media accounts linked to your site
  • Have a branded domain name

By increasing a plan to improve your rankings, we are making the supposition that your site will push your competitor’s rankings down and help yours up. Though, it is highly likely that your competitors aren’t rank still.
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