Bigboxx Academy’s Topics Covered: HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, Responsive Web Design, Twitter Bootstrap, Photoshop and jQuery.
Responsive Website is defined as a diversity of best content, documents related to website and visual appearance of website main objective applying HTML5 and css3, Photoshop, Flash animation, XML, JQuery, JavaScript, & responsive web etc with web design courses in Chandigarh
Web Designing with HTML5 and CSS3 Course Chandigarh
- Domain Name and Hosting
- Exploring Media Queries
- Introduction to Responsive Design
- An example with no Media Queries
- An example using Device Width & Browser Width
- An example using Browser Width and the Do Not Lie meta tag
- An example using the Text-Size-Adjust CSS
- Media Queries In the stylesheet link
- CSS reset and Natural Box Model
- Coding a Responsive Design Web Page
- An overview of a responsive site using the mobile first approach
- Review the responsive start files
- Building the page header
- Build responsive navigation
- Add a Gradient Background to the Desktop
- Add a 100% wide graphic that scales to the browser width
- Display the articles to appear in two columns
- Advanced CSS3 overview
- Add Content to Start File
- Add Gooogle Font & CSS graident
- Style the Content , Add Social Icons
- Tablet Navigation , Box Shadow , Round Corners
- Background of stars for the desktop
- Glow In Wrapper &Header Image
- CSS Transitions &CSS Transitions for images
- Demonstrate a Ribbon Footer
- View the completed example
- Additional Resources.
- Building a sample page for a Craft Store
- Craft-Explaination of the HTML artistic columns
- Craft-Markup the wrapper, left and middle divisions
- Craft-Markup for the phone navigation button
- Craft-Add the Google font and body texture
- Craft-Stylize the phone navigation & tablet navigation
- Craft-Stylize the desktop navigation & Mondrian columns
- Live Project