Dispersion effect

Step 1:-

Dispersion Effect
Step2 :-

  • Remove Background

Dispersion Effect

  • Select background using  quick selection tool and press delete key and remove the background . use refine edge tool and refine edges.

Step 3:-

  • Open new document  and bring image on new document name it layer 1.

Step 4:-

  • Now press “ctrl+j ” and duplicate image and name the layer as layer 2.

Step 5:-

  • Now select layer 2 and press ( ctrl+t ) to transform and  stretch the image and the go to filters and use liquify filter and expand image to cover the whole background ..

Dispersion Effect

  • Now click on add vector mask button. Click on mask , and fill it with black color . (ctrl+backspace) for background color which should be black.
  • Now select layer 2 and add vector mask on this layer as well .

Step 6:-

  • Now we will make a scatter brush . for that close eyes on all layers and create a new layer . use rectangular marquee tool and make rectangle and color it black . now go to edit on top left . now click brush preset option and name brush and add brush . now delete this layer and turn the eye on on the rest layers .  go to brush tool and open the brush we just made . go to settings of brush and change brush dynamics and scattering accordingly .
  • Now select layer 1 and click on vector mask and use rectangular brush we made . we shall use it in a way that it gives the floating particles effect .

Dispersion Effect
Step 7:-

  • Now go to layer 1 and select vector mask. now our foreground color should be black to use brush on vector mask. use the same brush to give particle effect on layer 1. this time only use brush on the edges and not on the whole image.

Dispersion Effect

This last picture shows the final Output.