Work from Home jobs based Animation courses 2020 Diploma in VFX & 3D Animation BigBoxx Academy is the fastest...
LinkedIn Skills Courses are rolling In Popularity — Here...
To cheer up the successful completion of the year, BigBoxx Professionals Academy celebrated its 6th Annual Day #Function in...
A day before the Diwali break started, the students of Bigboxx Academy celebrated the festival of lights with great...
Memorable Trip Baba Balak Nath Bigboxx Academy It was really the Memorable Trip Baba Balak Nath, Hamirpur, Himachal Pardesh,...
What is Animation? Animation is a way of making a movie from many still images. The images are put together...
To cheer up the successful completion of the year, BigBoxx Professionals Academy celebrated its 5th Annual Day #Function in collaboration with its parent...
Digital Marketing Career opportunities in 2020 In India Digital marketing is gaining momentum in India. Until 2010 many companies...
Art & Craft Workshop Conducted by BigBoxx Professionals Academy for Graphic , Animation & Interior Designing Students.
BigBoxx Professionals Academy organized the freshers party 2018 at Ex-caliber party club On 22 Aug 18.Its the Disk Party organised...